Friday, September 24, 2021

Rest with zest



Rest with zest
Keep yourself calm and cool,
Take s break from your schedule
Don't be like old school.

Work will be completed
with all its glorious parts,
Help your mind with little zest
and think about your heart.

Just chill and take rest and 
give time to take test.
When heart,body and mind 
balance is done,
Soul shows its ecstatic shades.

REST, A simple word,but very complicated. It has many meanings with prefixes and suffixes.But the REST means to keep your time for yourself, maintain body and mind balance. ME time that fixes the problem and rejuvenate you, is the perfect time for resting body and testing mind for creating new ideas. We in our daily lives don't take out time for ourselves and then starts blame-game. Sometimes we indulge into the problems so badly that we cannot realise what we are getting and what we are losing. We try to satisfy each and every one, professionally and personally. But it's not always possible. Still we try harder and harder to get it done. We get really tired of being perfect. Perfection and being perfect is good,but not always. 

We as human beings, gets frustrated and take wrong steps. We can go on verge of breaking relationship too. But we don't realise the main problem. We don't look at the angle,that we actually need a break and want to take rest with zest.We need to get a break from everything we do,we think, we plan,we cook,we read,we write... everything. "Just be with me", that should be the essence of being in rest. 

The heart is a very small thing,but very precious. It undertands all the feelings, situations, emotions, good,bad ... everything. Resting the heart means rejuvinating it with more good and positive thoughts. The longevity increases. Now, everyone is overloaded with work and the pressure is burdened with bad impact on heart and mind. It affects family members, other relations as well. Keeping yourself cool for all situations is the only solution. It can be taken by taking a break for resting. Divide the works among family members and spread equality. Work is a never ending thread. It's s continuous process. We need to take rest for making the future bonding strong enough to handle all the odds. 

"Stop overthinking. 
You cannot control or change everything. 
Let the things go with the flow."

An understanding heart is always a tired one. It takes out positivity from negativity.
It too gets tired.It too needs rest for a while. But actually we don't take. We should go for the break for our heart, mind, body and soul. Close your eyes, think nothing. Leave the worries behind. Keep your mind cool with low volume soothing music. Take long breathe, exhale and inhale. Feel the power of heart and brain syncing together. Then your nerves of brains will run in a supersonic way. 

Taking a break in any way,is to get yourself in a Restart Mode. Sit in the balcony and look around the nature with a deep breath. Feel serenity and calmness within . That's the result of  rest with zest. 

What's your address of rest? Share your thoughts here.

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