Thursday, August 12, 2021

Shades of relation(poem)


The journey of life is twists and turns with full of delight,
Reach out the destination with lots of care and little fight.

Make new relationship with the the drop of commitment,
Responsibility is huge, maintain it with low temperament.

All the relations are based on pile of modesty and dignity,
Most importantly be loyal to yourself and shine with loyalty.

Compile everything into one and only You, with a smile,
All the relations will be flowing like a river mile after mile.

Keep the treasure of life as a gift with all the happiness,
Commit to the relations, to fulfill its beauty and the essence.

_. LopaTheWriter

Hi friends, welcome to the August month. I keep writing for your quote and iconic quotes, somehow in busy schedules i got time for my Blog.

In 50 days of journey, i am rewarded with gifts in terms of royalty and testimonials. 

Thank you so much readers. It's your blessings only ,am here now among poets.

In the above poem, I have tried to pen few shades of relation. It was a task with 5 words given. But while thinking about topic, i was like flown by our own life n its essence.

Please read and give me the feedback.

Keep reading....

Keep smiling...😊